Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007

Up to the top | 8th chapter | Australian Connection

Read chapter 8. Which situation was most exciting or interesting? Give your opinion in about 3-5 sentences (ONLY). Then invite your blog team members (BTM) to give their opinion. You should go to all your BTM to say what you think about their findings.

I like the situation on beach ,where Alex and Dani see
the 13 dolphins. It is so romantic.... ^^
In my opinion , the situation ,where Dani explain Alex,
that they are famous and on number one in the charts ,
was a intresting part.
"Jumpy" is a very good song... I like it and
I think,they deserve the sucsess
(Sie haben den Erfolg verdient)
What do you mean about my last sentence?
Do you think,that they deserve the success?

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