Montag, 5. November 2007

The island and the mountain| 3rd chapter | Australian Connection

Describe what happens on top of St. Mary's Peak.

Alex and his new friend Kevin speack about Alex father Tom.
Alex is very ineresting to know something about him.
I think,he is surprise,that Tom has this good life in Australia
[ and that Tom does'nt know ,that he has a son. ]

Why does Alex think "Let him see how he likes is." ?
What will he like or not?
Who is he?

I think Alex want to learn
more about his father.
('Tom is he' in his sentence)
He is ( a little bit) curious,whether
Alex will like him or not!


3 Kommentare:

Peach ♥´¯) hat gesagt…

hey !
At first, I think it was a great idea from you to chose a mape from OZ !

However I don't understand, what you mean with "Tom doesn't know ,that he has a son"
I think, he know, that he have an son ?!

I hope, you will answer

Katchen hat gesagt…

hey peach ^^
thank you for the comment!

The sentence is a mistake o.O
I don't understand why I wrote this...mhm... I will correct it ;)


müsli hat gesagt…

Hello Kat,
in my opinion you answered the first exercise very short, you noticed that they spoke about Tom.. you could give an example from their dialog (I think Kevin: "He is like a kid." is a good one). You wrote, that Tom didn't know that he has a son, but it's wrong, I know you want to correct it =)!

Do you think "Let him see how he likes it" really means that Alex think Tom won't like him?

love, prillii


Love, prillii

> nice blog-with ideas- I like it